Our Mission
The preservation of an ecologically sound Lake Maxinkuckee and its watershed.
Research | Monitoring | Restoration | Outreach
Chesser Internship
Allen B. Chesser (1954 – 2022), the namesake of this internship, lived the LMEF mission. Allen was a community leader, farmer, craftsman, maple syrup producer, native American artifact expert, and banker.
Allen’s passion for supporting our local communities was legendary and none more than his work supporting the health of Lake Maxinkuckee and promoting youth.
Providing a Summer Internship is a fitting tribute to honor Allen’s commitment to the lake and local youth.
The Chesser intern will be pursuing, or have completed, post-secondary study in a discipline which contributes to advancing the LMEF mission. Areas of relevant study could include (but are not limited to): environmental science, sustainability, agriculture, communication or education.
Inquiries can be sent to Adam Thada, President of LMEF.
“We must act now to create a commission, a task force, if you will, with permanent status for management of Lake Maxinkuckee….”
-Committee Chair John Babcock, April 1982
2021-22 Lake Maxinkuckee External Nutrient and Sediment Loads
Upstream and Downstream of the Kline Wetland and Trophic State Assessment Summary
2016 Lake Maxinkuckee Septic-Leachate Study
This study duplicates our 1993 Leachate Study and is included in our 2016 Update of our Watershed Management Plan
2016 Purdue University Herpe to Fauna Survey
Conducted by students from Purdue. While some species may have been missed due to weather conditions (unusually cold spring), it captures many of the species of frogs we have at Lake Max. We also have Massasauga Rattlesnakes in our area, which were recently been added to the endangered watch list by EPA.
2015 Watershed Management Plan
2015 USGS Lakebed Study
Core samples were pulled from five different sites across the Lake Maxinkuckee lakebed. This information was used to analyze 200 to 300 years of data to determine phosphorous loads in the sediment.

Allen Chesser helping wth USGS Lakebed Study
2009 Kline Assessment Report – JFNew/Cardno – Complete a floristic inventory, Endangered, Threatened, and Rare (ETR) plant species survey, plant community mapping, and to perform an Ohio Rapid Assessment Method (ORAM) evaluation of the wetland at the Kline Wetland site.
2007 Indiana DNR Fish Management Report
Conducted June 19 – 25, 2007, as part of Department of Fish & Wildlife Work Plan 204755 that covers management of fish populations in natural lakes.
1986 Historical Analysis of the Cultural Eutrophication of Lake Maxinkuckee – Thomas L. Crisman
State Geologist 25th Annual Report – interesting historical information
Ecosystems Connections Institute – 2020
Volunteer Monitoring
Since 2009, LMEF has been fortunate to have Dan Baughman in charge of our water quality monitoring. He collects Secchi disk, dissolved oxygen and temperature readings and submits water samples on behalf of Lake Maxinkuckee Environmental Fund (LMEF) to the Indiana Clean Lakes Program Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program.
Stream Team
Formed in 2021, a group of volunteers collects water samples at 5 different sites to monitor streams that flow into the lake.
Current Volunteers: Ed Brown, Ginny Hahn, Scott Holaday, Mad Slykas, Karl Swedlund, Gene Tardy.
2021 Summary
2022 Summary
Restoration Projects
Kline Levee Restoration – Spring 2020
Kline Levee Restoration – Final Fall 2020
Kline Levee Restoration – Video
Kline Wetland – 1992
Curtis Wetland – 1990
Wilson Wetland – 1987
Annual Wetlands Tours – Wetlands are natural filters which remove sediment, nutrients, and other materials that can harm a lake. Join us on this popular event to learn more about the three wetlands that help keep Lake Maxinkuckee healthy. Sign up here to be notified when the next tour is scheduled.
Community Speaking Events – Available to speak on conservation topics that relate to Lake Maxinkuckee and its surrounding watershed. Contact Debbie at LMEF to request a presentation.
School Presentations –
- Kindergarten – Observing Nature
- 1st Grade – Relationships and the Environment
- 2nd Grade – Life Cycles
- 3rd Grade – Basic Needs of Plants
- 4th Grade – Design a Raingarden
- 5th Grade – Learning at the Lake Day
- Augmented Reality Sandbox
- High School – Environmental Science
Contact Adam at LMEF to schedule a presentation for your classroom or if you would like more information.
2024 Workshops: TBD
Get In Touch
PO Box 187
116 N Main St
Culver, IN 46511
Mon - Fri: 9am - 4pm
* The office is occasionally closed during these hours due to outreach events and work outside the office