LMEF open house & a recent radio appearance

The public is invited to an open house at the office of the Lake Maxinkuckee Environmental Fund this Friday, May 24th, from 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM EST. LMEF is located at 116 Main St. in Culver, IN, right across from the library. It will be a time of goodbyes and...
Data Buoy for Lake Maxinkuckee

Data Buoy for Lake Maxinkuckee

I have written several articles about the importance of monitoring the water quality of the lake. Water Quality Monitoring – The Advance Warning System Proactive Lake Monitoring Lakefront Property Values Tied to Water Clarity As stated in these articles, LMEF has been...
Nitrogen Pollution Part I

Nitrogen Pollution Part I

Nitrogen is a stable, non-reactive gas, essential for the air we breathe. Nitrogen combines with oxygen to form Nitrate (NO3), where it acts as a key nutrient for plant growth. Nitrate is a primary chemical component of manure and fertilizer; it is the N in the N-P-K...