Spotted Lanternfly

Spotted Lanternfly

Photo: Lawrence Barringer,Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, My facebook feed has been filled in recent days with confirmed reports of Spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) in Elkhart, Porter and St. Joseph counties. Sadly, it is only a matter of...
Keeping Tabs on the Lake Level

Keeping Tabs on the Lake Level

At a recent meeting, I was surprised to learn that several people were unaware that there is a gauge on the west shore of Lake Maxinkuckee that tracks the level of the lake. It is quite interesting to compare the level of the lake over time and more people should know...
More Wetland Woes

More Wetland Woes

According to the September issue of Izaak Walton League’s “Conservation Currents”, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers have released a final rule amending the January 2023 “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule to conform with the...
Paving Paradise

Paving Paradise

This past summer the community was invited to provide input on Culver’s Destination 2040 plan, a collaborative effort to build upon the legacy of the previous Comprehensive Plan and the Stellar Plan to move forward together.  It is a guidance document for future...
Making Memories

Making Memories

One of my readers, Jo Anna Booher, sent me an email after reading the blog article on Magical Flowing Wells: “I remember when nearly every cottage on the east side had a flowing well to cool drinks and food etc. Brought back lots of memories! We often went to the golf...