The public is invited to an open house at the office of the Lake Maxinkuckee Environmental Fund this Friday, May 24th, from 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM EST. LMEF is located at 116 Main St. in Culver, IN, right across from the library.
It will be a time of goodbyes and hellos. Please come out and congratulate Debbie Palmer, who is retiring after five years of service to LMEF as President. Adam Thada, incoming LMEF President, will be present for introductions as he seeks to continue LMEF’s legacy of stewardship in the Lake Maxinkuckee watershed.
Refreshments and snacks will be provided.

Marshall County locals may have caught some familiar voices on the radio last week. Debbie, Adam, and Emily Heim (LMEF’s Chesser Intern… more from her later!) joined Kathy Bottorff and Barb Holcomb on WTCA’s “What’s Your Opinion?” show to share about LMEF’s past, present, and future work. You can listen to the full conversation starting at 31:55 at this link.

Hi, I’m Adam Thada, President of the Lake Maxinkuckee Environmental Fund in Culver, IN. I studied Biology (BS) at Indiana Wesleyan University and Environmental Science (MSci) at Taylor University. The last decade or so has found me in Northern Indiana, working in sustainability, environmental education, and ecological restoration.
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